FRN: 2414187   FY: 2013
Basic Information
Billed Entity: 124306
470 Information
470#: 440810001039517  
471 Information
471#: 887643  
SPIN: 143030117 Edline LLC
Status: FUNDED Wave: 71 FCDL Date: 10/30/2014
Status Memo: MR1: The amount of the funding request was changed from $5,661.11/month to $2,986.49/month to remove the ineligible products: CommunityConnect ($68.90/month); Design Motif Creation (24.92/month); Edline SIS Link ($8.50/month); Edline web hosting ($18.01/month); GQ Web & LiveLink Web ($100.43/month); Misc SchoolWorld Fee ($112.50/month); Multi-Media Connect ($313.36/month); SchoolCenter ($15.44/month); SchoolSites ($813.07/month); SIS Link ($8.25/month); SIS Publishing ($8.24/month); Staff Connect ($269.57/month) and TeacherSites ($913.45/month). <><><><><> MR2: The FRN was modified from site-specific (entity #16035215) to shared (worksheet #1515380) to agree with the applicant documentation. <><><><><> MR3: The shared discount percentage was reduced to a level that could be validated by third party data. 
Service Start Date (471): 7/1/2013 Service Start Date (486): 7/1/2013
Current Commitment: $19,352.46 Payment Mode: BEAR
Disbursed Amount:* $893.03 Undisbursed: $18,459.43
Last Date of Service: Last Date to Invoice: 3/13/2015
    Original Request   Original Commitment  
Total Monthly Cost:     $5,661.11    $2,986.49  
Total Ineligible Monthly Cost     $0.00    $0.00  
Months of Service:    12    12  
Annual Recurring Charges:     $67,933.32     $35,837.88  
Estimated One Time Cost:     $0.00     $0.00  
Total One Time Ineligible Cost:     $0.00     $0.00  
Total One Time Cost:     $0.00     $0.00  
Estimated Monthly Cost:     $5,661.11     $2,986.49  
Estimated Annual Cost:     $67,933.32    $35,837.88  
Discount Percent:     66 %     54 %  
Requested Amount:     $44,835.99     $19,352.46  

* It is possible that an authorization for an amount was approved, but no disbursement has yet been made for that amount. If you have questions about an amount, please contact the service provider on that FRN.

[Last Update: 09/20/2024]