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Technology Acronyms


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Select a letter above to access the technology acronyms in alphabetical order.

VA - Volt Ampere

VAT - Visual Audio Tool

VBR - Variable Bit Rate

VC - Virtual Circuit

VCC - Virtual Channel Connection

VCFC - Virtual Channel Flow Control

VCI - Virtual Channel Identifier

VCL - Virtual Channel Link (UNI 3.0)

VDSL - Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line

VDT - Video Display Terminal

VF - Voice Frequency

VFD - Vacuum Fluorescent Display

VGA - Variable Graphics Array

VIC - Video Conferencing

VINCE - Vendor Independent Network Control Entity

VLAN - Virtual LAN

VLSM - Variable length Subnet Mask

VLV - Very Low Voltage

VoD - Video on Demand

VP - Virtual Path

VPC - Virtual Path Connection

VPCI - Virtual Path Connection Identifier

VPI - Virtual Path Identifier

VPL - Virtual Path Link

VPN - Virtual Private Network

VPT - Virtual Path Terminator (UNI 3.0)

VS - Virtual Subnet

VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal

VS/VD - Virtual Source/Virtual Destination

VTOA - Voice and Telephony over ATM


WAN - Wide Area Network

WECO - Western Electric Company

WFQ - Weighted Fair Queuing

WWW - World Wide Web

X - Y - Z
XC - Cross Connect YUV- TV color Scheme